Friday, August 30, 2019

LARGE Musical Desires

How did this happen?!? For many Sundays, the pianist at Christ's Church of Marion County played on an old Clavinova digital piano. They were grateful to have the instrument, but it wasn't up to the task do the job required as the main keyboard instrument for praise and worship. CCoMC knew one day this would change...and it did!

Forté Piano Gallery's delivery crew arrived with a brand new full sized Falcone Concert Grand Piano! Imagine the surprised faces of the choir members when they arrived on Thursday for choir practice!

Everyone know there would be a difference, but until it was played, they didn't realize how much of a change it would be! 9'2" of "real" piano - "The beautiful tone and touch of this custom instrument has made such a difference in the music here at Christ's Church." says Linda Bellows.

Pastor Dave Bellows and his wife, Linda, are such lovely and gracious people. Not to mention talented musicians! Linda plays the piano - Dave plays the guitar. They both sing in the choir. And a lively and spirited choir it is!

Do you read this and think, "How wonderful for them, but we could never get a piano like that." Did I mention CCoMC is a small church and had approximately 100 members when their piano was delivered?

Do you, your church or music school have LARGE musical desires, but a small budget? Give us a call here at Forté Piano Gallery - we can help you realize your musical dreams!
